A bee with a story-to-tell
Its story time! The story I am about to share with you is no ordinary story. Its stimulating on so many levels! About a bee with its own story-to-tell
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Its story time! The story I am about to share with you is no ordinary story. Its stimulating on so many levels! About a bee with its own story-to-tell
You’ve hear it before, Support Local, Local is Lekker! But have you ever wondered how your support impacts small business owners, like us?
Our very own Lulu is interviewed by the Get It Magazine , on her approach to sustainable bee-keeping and how plants are natural healing medicine.
Let’s go on a journey of natural dyeing. Where nature’s colour palette was used from the beginning of human kinds existence.
Unpacking a holistic approach to bee-centred bee-keeping practices. Cultivating an awareness of bees and how to mindfully work with them, placing the needs of the bees first.
Harnessing nature’s healing ability, is at our finger tips. A natural resource like camphor where the benefits and uses are endless, deserves to be gathered and experienced first hand.
It’s no longer the familiar products that get swept off shelves,
but the unusual passion projects that do. Three women share the
amazing ideas that led them to open their own retail businesses…
We had the privilege of being interviewed by the Platteland Magazine – Summer 2018/2019 edition
Inspired by bees and healing plants, Lulu has created a flourishing
business with a natural, wholesome approach
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